Leganto is the online reading list system at King’s. It gives you access to your course readings and resources, and can support you to organise your reading.
This short guide will show you the basics: how to find your reading lists, how to access resources on reading lists, and some extra things you can do using Leganto.
If you encounter any inaccuracies in this guidance or notice any information that may require updating, please contact us at library@kcl.ac.uk. Please note that Leganto is provided by an external company, who may implement changes to the system. This guide will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect any modifications made by the library or the software provider.
This guide is available to download as a PDF. See below.
There are 2 ways to find your reading lists. The best way is to access it through your module page on KEATS.
Alternatively, you can go to http://rl.kcl.ac.uk to search for your reading list. The landing page looks like this:
Click on the Log in link in the top right and use your K number and password to personalise your view.
If there is no reading list link on your KEATS page, or when you search for your module on Leganto, please contact your module lead or programme administrator in the first instance.
Reading lists are structured into sections to help you navigate your resources. Sections can be named according to the preference of the instructor. For example, lists can be organised by week, topic, importance level (e.g. Core, recommended, etc.), or by item type (books, articles, etc.).
Notes can be used to provide additional information to students about a group of resources in a section. They can also be used as sub-headings to separate sections.
Here is an example of a note:
You can apply filters to your reading list, for example if you wanted to show only the resources marked as Core, or if you wanted to see only Articles. To do this, click the Filter icon near the top of the reading list, select the filter(s) that you would like then click Apply. A green dot will appear on the Filter icon whilst you have any filters applied.
To clear the filter(s), click the cross of the filter you would like to remove.
You can click the Search icon near the top of the reading list to open a search box. This allows you to search for resources in the list according to keyword, author, title or other details. Type your search terms and click on the magnifying glass to submit your search.
The results of your search will then show. To return to your full reading list, click the Close icon next to the search box.
You can help prioritise your reading by marking readings as done in your list. Next to each citation on your list, there is an icon showing a tick in a circle. Click this icon if you wish to show that you have completed this reading.
This will also cross out the citation, as you can see in the screenshot below.
Your course staff will not be able to see if you have done the reading, this is a feature just for you.
Favorites is a space where you can compile resources in one place for future use. Favorites functions as a personal reading list, accessible only to you and not visible to your tutors (even we can’t see it!)
The Favorites page can be accessed from the menu bar, on the left-hand side of the reading lists page. When selected, a list of resources saved to your Favorites will display.
On the Favorites page, select +Add. In the drop-down menu select Search the Library.
In the search bar, type the title of the resource you would like to add to your favorites. In the search results, select the required resource and then select Favorites in the Add to field.
Click Add to add the resource to your Favorites or Add & edit to add the resource as a chapter to your Favorites.
To add a resource to Favorites from a reading list citation, click on the 3 dots […] next to the citation to open the List menu. In the drop-down menu, select Save as favorites.
A banner will appear at the top of the page, stating that the resource was added to your Favorites.
If you wish to provide feedback on Leganto you are welcome to speak to a member of library staff either in person at any of our libraries, or by contacting us on library@kcl.ac.uk .
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