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Life Sciences & Medicine


Databases include a variety of resources such as journal articles, conference papers, ebooks, datasets, reports, and multimedia - for a full list of databases accessible via Libraries & Collections please visit the A-Z Databases pages.

Key subscriptions

ClinicalKeyt Student

Comprising 300 ebooks, plus images and videos spanning Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, and Pharmacy, ClinicalKey Student is an education platform tailored to develop and assess the medical knowledge of aspiring professionals.


Ovid is an interface and gateway to core biomedical databases including Embase, HMIC, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, MEDLINE, MIDIRS, and PsycINFO.


Oxford Medicine Online

Oxford Medicine Online (OMO) contains over 1700 books from Oxford University Press including the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, Oxford Textbook of Medicine, and Oxford Clinical Guidelines.



PubMed comprises more than 28 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books (citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites).

General scientific resources


ScienceDirect is a platform for searching full-text scientific, technical, and health publications (in addition to having journal subscriptions and backfiles available through ScienceDirect, King's has also purchased over 200 ebooks).



A research discovery tool providing access to research across many scientific disciplines, including biomedical sciences (references more than 10,000 currently published journals and patents from more than 63 patent authorities).



Scopus is a large multidisciplinary bibliographic and citation database with extensive journal coverage especially in science, technology and medicine and is expanding its coverage of the social sciences.


Web of Science

Web of Science provides access to scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and examines proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions.



Faculti provides unlimited access to up to 1000 on-demand videos per year, delivered by the world’s leading figures across core subject categories, including the health sciences.


Henry Stewart Talks

Henry Stewart Talks is a collection of audio visual presentations comprising over 1500 lectures and animated talks by leading world experts in the biomedical and life sciences.



JoVE brings biology to life with over 300 easy-to-understand animated video lessons that explain key concepts in biology, plus more than 150 videos that show actual research experiments conducted in today’s laboratories.


Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy

Video Atlas may be used as an adjunct to dissection as well as for students who need to re-learn clinically relevant anatomy for their surgical rotations or who are taking anatomy modules.



Anatomedia provides quality interactive anatomy resources that students, teachers and practitioners can access from anywhere online to optimise their learning experience.

Drugs and medicines

British Pharmacopoeia

The official collection of standards for UK medicinal products and pharmaceutical substances - an essential reference for pharmaceutical research and development, manufacture and testing around the globe.



MedicinesComplete, from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, is an online resource for drug and healthcare information to help professionals make clinical decisions on the use and administration of drugs and medicines.