If you are searching for a topic or subject rather than a specific article you might like to search one of our databases. These often focus on a particular subject area or discipline and reduce the amount of results you receive from irrelevant subjects.
Databases are collections of resources such as journal articles and conference papers, and also sometimes book chapters and reports. If you are doing a literature search or systematic review they are a key resource to use.
There are two main kinds of database:
If a database lists something you want to read, look for a button that says 'Get it at King's' This will take you to Library Search and to the full text, if the library subscribes to the journal, or prompting you to request the item via Inter Library Loan.
I can't see the 'Get it @ King's'
If the 'Get it @ King's' button is not available then you should use Library Search to see if the article or book is available through another database.
New to using Library Search?
Find out how to use Library Search to find the books and items you need in the Getting Started With the Library - Undergraduates and Taught Postgraduates section of this guide - look for the navigation button in the top left corner!
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Business topics. For a more complete list of databases, see the resources available to King's Business School students on the school's webpages, and/or visit the Library's A-Z list of databases for Business;
Factiva is a global digital business aggregator and archive, featuring news and information from 35,000 sources, 200 countries and 26 languages.
Please select the required journal as a source in the Search Builder. Use the Language Filter to search foreign language texts. For guidance and help on how to search Factiva see the Proquest Libguide and videos at https://proquest.libguides.com/factiva/about
The link to Factiva has recently changed. If you have problems logging in please try clearing the cache/cookies etc. in your browser.
King’s username and password for access.
Fame is a database for searching company information. Users can research individual companies, search for companies with specific profiles, and do detailed analysis.
Fame is a database for searching company information. Users can research individual companies, search for companies with specific profiles, and do detailed analysis.
Statista.com consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources. Industries covered include Consumer Goods, Internet, Media & Advertising, Retail & Trade, Sports & Recreation, Technology & Telecommunications, Transportation & Logistics, and Travel, Tourism & Hospitality.
For access off campus, please select 'Campus Access' on the log in page to reach the institutional login.
King’s username and password for access off campus
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching in the Finding Academic Material for Business Topics pathway on KLaSS, the library's KEATs module.
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Legal topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Law:
King's username and password required off campus
King's username and password for access off campus
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS: