If you are searching for a topic or subject rather than a specific article you might like to search one of our databases. These often focus on a particular subject area or discipline and reduce the amount of results you receive from irrelevant subjects.
Databases are collections of resources such as journal articles and conference papers, and also sometimes book chapters and reports. If you are doing a literature search or systematic review they are a key resource to use.
There are two main kinds of database:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with finding Newspaper articles online. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Newspapers:
Founded in 1843, The Economist's principles and methods remain relevant today. It is renowned for its consistent approach to internationalism and championing of minimal state in political and government affairs. In more than 8,000 issues since its first publication in 1843, The Economist has presented timely reporting, concise commentary, and comprehensive analysis of global news every week. With objective authority, clarity, and wit, The Economist presents the worlds political, business, scientific, technological, and cultural developments and the connections between them. Full-color images, multiple search indexes, and the facility to browse each and every issue - all combine to offer a unique primary source covering the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
With a global circulation of more than 1.4 million, The Economist has consistently delivered a highly intelligent and comprehensive report of the week's events and has long been a leading magazine for business and political leaders, politicians, diplomats, bankers, journalists, and other influential people throughout the world. Its back issues are made accessible through The Economist Historical Archive and serve as key witnesses to the economic and political history of the last 170 years. They provide a unique, unbiased analysis of major world events, facilitate the comparison of economic trends across continents and centuries, and offer an ideal historical resource for cutting-edge ideas in an easily digestible form.
King’s username and password for access off campus
This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
King’s username and password for access
This subscription to The Observer, from 1995 onwards, is available as part of the database ProQuest Newspapers via Senate House Library.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching in the Finding Academic Material for Arts & Humanities Topics module of KLaSS:
If a database lists something you want to read, look for a button that says 'Get it at King's' This will take you to Library Search and to the full text, if the library subscribes to the journal, or prompting you to request the item via Inter Library Loan.
I can't see the 'Get it @ King's'
If the 'Get it @ King's' button is not available then you should use Library Search to see if the article or book is available through another database.
New to using Library Search?
Find out how to use Library Search to find the books and items you need in the Getting Started With the Library - Undergraduates and Taught Postgraduates section of this guide - look for the navigation button in the top left corner!
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Classics topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Classics:
Formerly known as BHI: British Humanities Index.
An international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities, HI indexes over 400 internationally respected humanities journals and weekly magazines published in the UK and other English speaking countries, as well as quality newspapers published in the UK. It covers current affairs, political science, religion, law, history, archaeology, education, economics, environment and gender studies.
Updated monthly with approximately 1,500 records added; it also has the capability to link to electronic full text of many journal articles
King’s username and password for access off campus
JSTOR offers academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Via JSTOR books, King's currently has access to over 54,000 titles from over 42 publishers.
King’s subscribes to the following collections within JSTOR:
King’s username and password for access off campus
The Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (SEG) collects newly published Greek inscriptions as well as publications on previously known documents. It presents complete Greek texts of all new inscriptions with a critical apparatus; it summarises new readings, interpretations, and studies of known inscriptions and occasionally presents the Greek text of these documents.The online edition includes all SEG volumes, and will incorporate all future volumes in the series.
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Online is automatically updated upon publication of the annual volume.
King’s username and password for access off campus
King's username and password for access off campus.
The Philosopher's Index Covers all major fields of philosophy such as aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, etc., and philosophy of related interdisciplinary fields such as education, history, law and religion.
Free registration at Senate House library required.
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching in the Finding Academic Material for Arts & Humanities Topics module of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Comparative Literature topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Comparative Literature:
German language index of (primarily) German language periodicals, covering all aspects of German language and literature from 1985 to the present.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
King’s username and password for access off campus
Covers folklore, languages, linguistics and literature. Provides citations for items from journals and series published worldwide from 1926 to date. Indexes books, essay collections, working papers, proceedings, dissertations and bibliographies. Available via EBSCOhost.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Culture, Media and Creative Industries topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Culture, Media and Creative Industries:
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King’s username and password for access off campus
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Digital Humanities topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Digital Humanities:
DigiPal is a resource for the study of medieval handwriting, particularly that produced in England during the years 1000–1100, the time of Æthelred, Cnut and William the Conqueror. It is designed to allow you to see samples of handwriting from the period and to compare them with each other quickly and easily.
Funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), it is based at the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London.
Free access
Formerly known as BHI: British Humanities Index.
An international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities, HI indexes over 400 internationally respected humanities journals and weekly magazines published in the UK and other English speaking countries, as well as quality newspapers published in the UK. It covers current affairs, political science, religion, law, history, archaeology, education, economics, environment and gender studies.
Updated monthly with approximately 1,500 records added; it also has the capability to link to electronic full text of many journal articles
King’s username and password for access off campus
LISA: Library and Information Science Abstracts is an international abstracting and indexing tool designed for library professionals and other information specialists. LISA currently abstracts over 440 periodicals from more than 68 countries and in more than 20 different languages.
King’s username and password for access off campus
King's username and password for access off campus
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with English topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for English:
Academic Search Complete, designed specifically for academic institutions, is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,300 full-text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,300 journals and a total of 10,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1865, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
King’s username and password for access off campus
Covers folklore, languages, linguistics and literature. Provides citations for items from journals and series published worldwide from 1926 to date. Indexes books, essay collections, working papers, proceedings, dissertations and bibliographies. Available via EBSCOhost.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
This database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 395 international periodicals, plus full text for more than 160 of the indexed journals. The database currently includes almost a million records, the majority from the most recent ten years of each journal.
Performing Arts Periodicals Database covers a broad spectrum of the arts and entertainment industry - including dance, drama, theater, stagecraft, musical theater, circus performance, opera, pantomime, puppetry, magic, performance art, film, television and more.
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New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Film topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Film:
BFI Player is a video on demand service from the British Film Institute, streaming acclaimed, landmark and archive films. These are available for rent, for subscription or for free. King's College London has a subscription. The placement and availability of films is dependent on rights agreements with licensors. The focus is on British and European independent films, as well as international releases.
Additional information:
Access your free BFI Player subscription in 3 easy steps:
1. Go to player.bfi.org.uk/students and create an account OR sign in if you already have one by selecting 'Already have an account? Sign in'
2. Select university from the dropdown list
3. Authenticate subscription using your university credentials
• Once you've set up your subscription, you can simply login on BFI Player for the remainder of this academic year. You don't need to use the subscribe link
• BFI Player is unavailable outside the UK
• Rentals and festival events are not included in the subscription offer
• Make sure you tick the box ‘I’d like to receive the newsletter’ for exclusive competitions, watchlists and other BFI opportunities via email.
A reminder that users need to re-subscribe every year e.g. if someone had an account last year, they simply need to visit player.bfi.org.uk/students and select 'Already have an account Sign in'.
BoB (Box of Broadcasts) National is a shared online off-air TV and radio recording service for UK higher and further education institutions. You can choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio channels. The recorded programmes are then kept indefinitely (no expiry) and added to a growing media archive (currently at over 1 million programmes), with all content shared by users across all subscribing institutions.
Please note: Individual registration is required and access is only available from the UK.
King’s username and password for access off campus
Screen Studies Online is a new portal for subscribers to Proquest film resources which combines the American Film Institute Catalog (AFI Catalog), FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals and Film Index International. Created in partnership with three distinguished film research organizations, the British Film Institute, the American Film Institute, and the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), Screen Studies Online can be used to cross-search these three resources or to search the individual databases separately.
King’s username and password for access off campus
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with French topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for French:
King’s username and password for access off campus
Covers folklore, languages, linguistics and literature. Provides citations for items from journals and series published worldwide from 1926 to date. Indexes books, essay collections, working papers, proceedings, dissertations and bibliographies. Available via EBSCOhost.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with German topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for German:
German language index of (primarily) German language periodicals, covering all aspects of German language and literature from 1985 to the present.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
King’s username and password for access off campus
Covers folklore, languages, linguistics and literature. Provides citations for items from journals and series published worldwide from 1926 to date. Indexes books, essay collections, working papers, proceedings, dissertations and bibliographies. Available via EBSCOhost.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Hellenic Studies topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Hellenic Studies:
L’Année philologique, published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique, is a specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. It contains over 810,000 records with citations to journal articles and books, as well as abstracts. Subjects include Greek and Latin literature, linguistics, history, art, archeology, papyrology, philosophy and religion, music, science and early Christian texts and patristics.
King’s username and password for access off campus
Covers folklore, languages, linguistics and literature. Provides citations for items from journals and series published worldwide from 1926 to date. Indexes books, essay collections, working papers, proceedings, dissertations and bibliographies. Available via EBSCOhost.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
King’s username and password for access on and off campus. Registration required
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
New to researching History, or want a more general approach? Proquest's Humanities Index is a great place to start:
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Further resources for History topics have been broken down by historical period in the box below this one:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Liberal Arts topics.
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King’s username and password for access off campus
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Music topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Music:
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Music Periodicals Database is a music journal resource with more than 1.3 million articles, plus detailed abstracts and full text from 1874 to current, covering the scholarly to the popular. An unrivalled resource for music research, it t provides indexing and abstracts for more than 425 international music periodicals, plus full text for around 140 journals. No other individual resource has comparable index-plus-full text coverage.
The database currently includes over 1.3 million article records, the majority of which are journal articles from 1996 onward. Around 200,000 index records in the datavase are from the backfile (up to 1995) and much of this coverage commences at the first issue of the journal run, some starting as early as 1874.
Music Periodicals Database covers a comprehensive range of subject areas in both scholarly and popular music journals ranging from International Journal of Music Education, Ethnomusicology, Jazz Education Journal and Musical Times to Rock and Rap Confidential and Rolling Stone. Articles examine the full spectrum of subjects and all aspects of music, including music education, performance, ethnomusicology, musical theatre, theory, popular music forms and composition. You can find articles on a diverse array of musical genres, from the liturgical chants of medieval monks to the eclectic sounds of contemporary alternative rock musicians.
Content is added on a monthly basis. It is also regularly updated with new functionality and features.
King’s username and password for access
King’s username and password for access off campus
King’s username and password for access off campus
This database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 395 international periodicals, plus full text for more than 160 of the indexed journals. The database currently includes almost a million records, the majority from the most recent ten years of each journal.
Performing Arts Periodicals Database covers a broad spectrum of the arts and entertainment industry - including dance, drama, theater, stagecraft, musical theater, circus performance, opera, pantomime, puppetry, magic, performance art, film, television and more.
King's username and password for access
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Philosophy topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Philosophy:
L’Année philologique, published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique, is a specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. It contains over 810,000 records with citations to journal articles and books, as well as abstracts. Subjects include Greek and Latin literature, linguistics, history, art, archeology, papyrology, philosophy and religion, music, science and early Christian texts and patristics.
Formerly known as BHI: British Humanities Index.
An international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities, HI indexes over 400 internationally respected humanities journals and weekly magazines published in the UK and other English speaking countries, as well as quality newspapers published in the UK. It covers current affairs, political science, religion, law, history, archaeology, education, economics, environment and gender studies.
Updated monthly with approximately 1,500 records added; it also has the capability to link to electronic full text of many journal articles
King’s username and password for access off campus
The Philosopher's Index Covers all major fields of philosophy such as aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, etc., and philosophy of related interdisciplinary fields such as education, history, law and religion.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies:
HAPI is your source for authoritative, worldwide information about Central and South America, Mexico, Brazil, the Caribbean basin, the United States-Mexico border region, and Hispanics/Latinos in the United States. HAPI Online contains complete bibliographic citations to articles, book reviews (through 2001), documents, original literary works, and other materials appearing in more than 500 key social science and humanities journals published throughout the world. HAPI Online combines current information about Latin America with in-depth coverage spanning more than thirty years.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
King’s username and password for access off campus
PRISMA (Publicaciones y Revistas Sociales y Humanísticas) is a comprehensive reference resource providing full-text scholarly journals in the social sciences and humanities for the interdisciplinary academic study of Hispanic and Latin America, and the Caribbean Basin. Offering key titles indexed in the Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI), a highly respected database produced by the Latin American Center of the University of California, Los Angeles, PRISMA features
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Theology & Religious Studies topics. For a more complete list of databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Theology & Religious Studies:
The Encyclopedia of Christianity Online describes modern-day Christian beliefs and communities in the context of 2000 years of apostolic tradition and Christian history. It is based on the third, revised edition of the critically acclaimed German work Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon, and includes all 5 volumes of the print edition of Encyclopedia of Christianity 1999-2008 which has become a standard reference work for the study of Christianity past and present.
The Encyclopaedia of Judaism Online offers an authoritative, comprehensive, and systematic presentation of the current state of scholarship on fundamental issues of Judaism, both past and present. More than 200 entries cover a range of topics from the classical literature of Judaism and its history to contemporary issues such as genetic engineering.
Encyclopaedia Islamica Online is based on the abridged and edited translation of the Persian Dāʾirat al-Maʿārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, one of the most comprehensive sources on Islam and the Muslim world. A unique feature of the Encyclopaedia Islamica Online lies in the attention given to Shiʿi Islam and its rich and diverse heritage.
In addition to providing entries on important themes, subjects and personages in Islam generally, Encyclopaedia Islamica Online offers the Western reader an opportunity to appreciate the various dimensions of Shiʿi Islam, the Persian contribution to Islamic civilization, and the spiritual dimensions of the Islamic tradition.
King’s username and password for access
King’s username and password for access off campus
JSTOR offers academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Via JSTOR books, King's currently has access to over 54,000 titles from over 42 publishers.
King’s subscribes to the following collections within JSTOR:
King’s username and password for access off campus
The Philosopher's Index Covers all major fields of philosophy such as aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, etc., and philosophy of related interdisciplinary fields such as education, history, law and religion.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Ancient History topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for History:
CLCLT contains texts from the beginning of Latin literature (Livius Andronicus, 240 BC) through to the texts of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). It covers all the works from the classical period, the most important patristic works, a very extensive corpus of Medieval Latin literature as well as works of recentior latinitas including texts from the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. The complete works of writers such as Cicero, Virgil, Augustine, Jerome, Gregory the Great, Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux and Thomas Kempis can thus be consulted. The texts have been taken from the Corpus Christianorum series and from many other leading editions.
Each search-query shows the results in the context of a sentence, but from here the user can consult the whole text of the work. Texts can also be accessed through an index of author and work references. Each work that is incorporated has been the subject of a historical and literary-critical examination and is accompanied by a didactical "memento" which supplies chronological, bibliographical, critical and statistical information. All relevant Clavis Patrum Latinorum entries have been fully integrated.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
CLCLT contains texts from the beginning of Latin literature (Livius Andronicus, 240 BC) through to the texts of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). It covers all the works from the classical period, the most important patristic works, a very extensive corpus of Medieval Latin literature as well as works of recentior latinitas including texts from the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. The complete works of writers such as Cicero, Virgil, Augustine, Jerome, Gregory the Great, Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux and Thomas Kempis can thus be consulted. The texts have been taken from the Corpus Christianorum series and from many other leading editions.
Each search-query shows the results in the context of a sentence, but from here the user can consult the whole text of the work. Texts can also be accessed through an index of author and work references. Each work that is incorporated has been the subject of a historical and literary-critical examination and is accompanied by a didactical "memento" which supplies chronological, bibliographical, critical and statistical information. All relevant Clavis Patrum Latinorum entries have been fully integrated.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
Please note: TLG does not permit downloading, printing or making copies of TLG material.
The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) is a research center at the University of California, Irvine. Founded in 1972 the TLG has already collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. Its goal is to create a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present era. Information about the authors and works included in the TLG Library is stored in a database, known as the Canon of Greek Authors and Works.
See: TLG website | Canon of Greek Authors and Works
Campus Desktop users will not be able to download any of the extra Greek Fonts offered by this service.
For both on and off-campus access, please register for an account.
When accessing off-campus, a King's username and password are required before registering for an account with Thesaurus Linguae Graecae.
Library Services and the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies gratefully acknowledge the help of the King's Development Trust in the funding of this resource.
King’s username and password for access on and off campus. Registration required
The Translated Texts for Historians E-Library makes available historical sources from A.D. 300–800 translated into English, in many cases for the first time. This indispensable collection contains over 80 volumes from the following series: Translated Texts for Historians, Translated Texts for Historians Contexts, and Translated Texts for Byzantinists.
King’s username and password for access off campus
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching in the Finding Academic Material for Arts & Humanities Topics module of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Medieval History topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for History:
Established by the Centre d´Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale, (Université de Poitiers) to provide a comprehensive, current bibliography of monographs worldwide and listings of miscellany volumes. The database currently comprises 40,000 titles from 1958 to 2003. References are classified by date, subject and location.
The Dictionary of Old English (DOE) defines the vocabulary of the first six centuries (600 - 1150 A.D.) of the English language, using today's most advanced technology. The Dictionary draws on as wide a range of texts in date, dialect and genre as possible.
It differs from previous dictionaries in several important features: a listing in a simplified paradigmatic order of every spelling which is attested for a word in the Electronic Corpus; frequency counts for each word in the corpus so that readers can know what proportion of the evidence has been cited; usage labels where they are statistically significant, noting restrictions to a class of texts, to an author, or to a particular period or dialect; exhaustive citation for all words of twelve or fewer occurrences.
Brill’s Medieval Reference Library includes 3 titles: Encyclopaedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles, Encyclopedia of Medieval Pilgrimage and Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle. Together they include many articles and illustrations on aspects of medieval history, culture and belief.
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New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Early Modern History History topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for History:
Historical Texts brings together four historically significant collections for the first time: Early English Books Online (EEBO), Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), 65,000 texts from the British Library 19th Century collection, and the UK Medical Heritage Library (UKMHL).
Senate House on site access only. Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with 18th Century History topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for History:
The newspapers and news pamphlets gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757 - 1817) represent the largest single collection of 17th and 18th century English news media. The 1,200 or so bound volumes of newspapers and news pamphlets were published mostly in London, however there are also some English provincial, Irish and Scottish papers, and a few examples from the American colonies, Europe and India.
NOTE: choose the database British Newspapers 1600-1900 to cross search both Burney Collection and 19th Century British Library Newspapers.
King’s username and password for access off campus
Empire Online is an interactive collection of primary source documents designed to enable undergraduates, postgraduates, academics and researchers to explore colonial history, politics, culture and society. Thousands of images of unique source material including maps, manuscripts, pamphlets, paintings, drawings, letters, periodicals, official government papers, exhibition catalogues, travel writing, missionary papers and rare books.
Detailed indexing enables the sources to be explored in a variety of ways (by period, by date, by person and subject). Sources spanning five centuries: from the explorations of Columbus, Captain Cook, and others, right through to de-colonisation in the second half of the twentieth century and debates over American Imperialism.
King’s username and password for access off campus
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with 19th Century History topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for History:
Throughout the 19th century, pamphlets were an important means of public debate, covering the key political, social, technological, and environmental issues of their day. 19th Century British Pamphlets, created by Research Libraries UK (RLUK), contains the most significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in research libraries in the United Kingdom.
The digitization of more than 26,000 pamphlets from collections in seven universities in the UK spanning more than one million pages brings together a corpus of primary sources for the study of sociopolitical and economic factors impacting 19th-century Britain. The collection was created with funding from the JISC Digitisation Programme.
The nine collections of pamphlets are:
• Cowen Tracts (1603-1898)
• Earl Grey Pamphlets Collection (1800-1900)
• Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection (1545-1900)
• Hume Tracts (1769-1890)
• Knowsley Pamphlet Collection (1792-1868)
• Selections – University of Manchester British Political Pamphlets Collection (1799-1900)
• Selections – London School of Economics and Political Science (1800-1899)
• Selections – University of Bristol (1800-1899)
• Wilson Anti-Slavery Collection (1761-1900)
The Bibliography of British and Irish History provides bibliographic data on historical writing dealing with the British Isles, and with the British Empire and Commonwealth, during all periods for which written documentation is available - from 55BC to the present. It is the successor to the Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British and Irish History, available online from 2002 to 2009. The complete database now contains just over 600,000 records, and is updated three times a year, usually in February, June and October.
Separate records for articles in journals and in collective volumes, as well as for books; 570 journals are now searched for relevant material. Access to data from Irish History Online, London's Past Online, Scottish Historical Review Trust. Specially designed subject classification scheme. Links to online full text, where available.
Senate House resources require registering for Senate House library membership. See also our library FAQ for more details.
The Victorian Popular Culture portal is an essential resource for the study of popular entertainment in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This innovative portal is comprised of four separate sections, available to purchase individually and fully cross-searchable:
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with 20th Century to Present History topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for History:
The Churchill Archive is a digital library of modern international history that includes over 800,000 pages of original documents. Spanning 1874-1965, sources include Churchill’s personal correspondence as well as his official exchanges with kings, presidents, politicians, and military leaders.
To log in select:
Login (top right) then Login via your institution (Shibboleth / Open Athens)
Screen Studies Online is a new portal for subscribers to Proquest film resources which combines the American Film Institute Catalog (AFI Catalog), FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals and Film Index International. Created in partnership with three distinguished film research organizations, the British Film Institute, the American Film Institute, and the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), Screen Studies Online can be used to cross-search these three resources or to search the individual databases separately.
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This collection of 2,740 documents sheds light on the U.S. intelligence community’s spying and analytic efforts in the Arab world, including the Middle East, the Near East, and North Africa. It covers the time period from the end of World War II to the present day, up until the 2002-2003 Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction assessments, the Global War on Terror, the Iraq War, and Iran’s nuclear program.
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with African Leadership topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Global Affairs:
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching in the Finding Academic Material for Arts & Humanities Topics module of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Australian topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Global Affairs:
Contains 130,000 bibliographic references (some with abstracts) to all articles in 200 Australian journals, as well as selective indexing of a further 500 Australian and international journals in the field of education. Books, conference proceedings and papers, research and technical reports, and theses are also indexed. Coverage is from 1979 to date, with monthly updates. Is possible to cross search with British Education Index & ERIC.
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Brazilian topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Global Affairs:
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Chinese topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Global Affairs:
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Indian topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Global Affairs:
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with London topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Global Affairs:
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Middle Eastern topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Global Affairs:
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New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with North American topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Global Affairs:
King’s username and password for access off campus
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS:
Below are a small selection of databases for getting started with Russian topics. For a more complete list of related databases, visit the A-Z list of databases for Global Affairs:
King’s username and password for access off campus
King’s username and password for access off campus
New to using online databases?
Complete interactive tutorials on literature searching and earn badges in the Finding and Evaluating Information section of KLaSS: