A growing range of ebooks are available for NHS staff.
A key resource is the full collection of all health related ebooks from Oxford University Press - including all the handbooks and Oxford Textbooks.
Additional titles are gradually being added to eBook Central. OpenAthens login is required for this. This system supports the "borrowing" of titles for use on tablets and devices.
A growing number of ebook titles are available via Kortext (OpenAthens required). This includes a collection of titles in support of diversity and inclusion as well as some of the most popular books in NHS libraries.
The majority of university ebooks listed on the Library Catalogue are not available without a staff or affiliate King's College London username and password (k number).
NHS OpenAthens required - click on more for full details
NHS OpenAthens required - click on more for full details
Ebooks via Ebook Central
Over 150,000 books are available via Ebook Central Platform (OpenAthens required). You can read online, print, copy and download to devices. The titles are a mixture of frequently borrowed items, assorted handy bits and a wide range of materials across all subject areas. You can find the whole of Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, Brocklehurst's, texts on mentoring and Revalidation and the seminal How to read a paper. Do contact the library with suggestions for titles that would be particularly useful to have electronically.
For Health Information Week a collection of books on health and wellbeing topics was been created. You can find links to books on things like exercise, mindfulness and more from the PDF below
Ebooks from Oxford University Press
You can access the full collection of Oxford University Press ebooks in health via the Oxford Academic platform. So every Oxford Handbook, Oxford Textbook, Emergencies in, Oxford Desk References whenever you need it. And online offers additional possibilities so books like Oxford Textbook of Medicine is updated on a regular basis and includes extra chapters, videos etc. You can download high quality images for your power point slides. Login free access is available via IP on GSTT and King's College London Library PCs or remotely direct via OpenAthens from anywhere.
To login via OpenAthens - go to OxfordMedicine.com and click on the account profile icon on the top right hand side of the screen to view the sign in options. Click "SIgn in via your institution". At this point you need to identify yourself as being part of "NHS in England" by either typing into the list or selecting the option when offered if you have accessed the site before. You will then be prompted for your OpenAthens login.
To register for an OpenAthens acccount, visit http:openathens.nice.org.uk
Ebooks from Kortext
A growing collection of titles focussed on the needs of NHS staff is available on the Kortext platform (OpenAthens required).
Click on Collections to browse or search all the titles.