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Build your skills

Photo of students being trained

Webinars and in-person workshops are available for staff at GSTT and KCH to help you improve your skills in finding and understanding evidence and healthcare literature. The NHS workshops include:

  • NHS001: Rapid access to evidence-based resources
  • NHS002: Healthcare databases for Advanced Searchers
  • NHS003/LIB231: Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Quantitative Research
  • NHS004: Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Research
  • Health Literacy Awareness - King's College Hospital staff

King's College Hospital Staff also have access to training sessions via the PRUH team (search Information Skills on the KCH intranet for details).


Finding Evidence (KHP Learning Hub)

Are you trying to develop a search strategy? Struggling to access the full text of a journal article? Looking for reviews, guidelines or summaries of evidence? Searching for information but getting lots of irrelevant results or nothing at all?

This e-learning will help you find the evidence you need to inform patient care or service development, update guidelines or policies, support assignments or professional development and inform research.

To access the course:

  1. Login to the Learning Hub with your Trust network login - click the relevant organisation logo
    • KCH staff - use your network login
    • GSTT staff - enter gstt\ before your username
  2. Search for Finding Evidence (or browse the Professional Development Section)

Note: this course includes the modules listed below from the NHS e-LfH Literature Searching Programme.

The KHP Learning Hub also hosts a growing collection of other resources including podcasts and guidance on How to read a paper.

Literature Searching Programme (e-LfH)

Building the foundations

Building the skills

Applying the skills 

The modules are short (each taking no more than 20 minutes to complete) and may be ‘dipped into’ for reference, or completed to obtain a certificate. 

Research Guidance

Sign-up sessions

Sign-up sessions running in the next few months are highlighted below. For workshop details and to book a place, click on the session you are interested in and follow the onscreen prompts. Workshops may be online or at one of our library sites. All workshops online workshops use MS Teams. If you have any problems with your booking please contact

List all dates

NHS staff: Book an in-person 1:1 or an online 1-1

Via MS Teams, one of our senior library assistants can help you with e-resource navigation, searching online databases and journals, and building search strategies for literature reviews. Once booked, you will be sent an email with details of how to log in for your online appointment.  All 1-1s last 45 minutes. 

Please note: our 1-1 service is only for current students and staff at King's College London and/or our partnered NHS Trusts.

The Maughan Library is located on Chancery Lane. Our senior library assistants can help you with e-resource navigation, searching online databases and journals, and building search strategies for literature reviews. Once booked, you will be sent an email with details of where to go for your in-person appointment. All 1-1s last 45 minutes.

Please note: our 1-1 service is only for current students and staff at King's College London and/or our partnered NHS Trusts.

Franklin Wilkins Library is located in Waterloo. Our senior library assistants can help you with e-resource navigation, searching online databases and journals, and building search strategies for literature reviews. Once booked, you will be sent an email with details of where to go for your in-person appointment. All 1-1s last 45 minutes.

Please note: our 1-1 service is only for current students and staff at King's College London and/or our partnered NHS Trusts.

New Hunt's House Library is located at Guy's Campus, London Bridge. Our senior library assistants can help you with e-resource navigation, searching online databases and journals, and building search strategies for literature reviews. Once booked, you will be sent an email with details of where to go for your in-person appointment. All 1-1s last 45 minutes.

Wearing scrubs to attend in-person workshops: do remember that some areas of King's campuses don't allow Trust members who are wearing hospital scrubs to enter the building.

Please note: our 1-1 service is only for current students and staff at King's College London and/or our partnered NHS Trusts.

St Thomas' House library & café is a social space located next to St Thomas' hospital and the Evelina children's hospital, a short walk from Lambeth North tube station. It is accessible to King's students/staff, and NHS staff from KCH Trust and Guy's & St Thomas' Trust who have a King's library card. Please bear in mind that this location is in a café and therefore noisier than our other 1-1 locations.

Our senior library assistants can help you with e-resource navigation, searching online databases and journals, and building search strategies for literature reviews. Once booked, you will be sent an email with details of where to meet for your in-person appointment. All 1-1s last 45 minutes.

Please note: our 1-1 service is only for current students and staff at King's College London and/or our partnered NHS Trusts.

Our Denmark Hill campus library is inside the Weston Education Centre, or WEC. Our senior library assistants can help you with e-resource navigation, searching online databases and journals, and building search strategies for literature reviews. Once booked, you will be sent an email with details of where to go for your in-person appointment. All 1-1s last 45 minutes. 

Please note: our 1-1 service is only for current students and staff at King's College London and/or our partnered NHS Trusts.

The IoPPN Library is located in Denmark Hill. Our senior library assistants can help you with e-resource navigation, searching online databases and journals, and building search strategies for literature reviews. Once booked, you will be sent an email with details of where to go for your in-person appointment. All 1-1s last 45 minutes.

Wearing scrubs to attend in-person workshops: do remember that some areas of King's campuses don't allow Trust members who are wearing hospital scrubs to enter the building.

Please note: our 1-1 service is only for current students and staff at King's College London and/or our partnered NHS Trusts.

Arrange a 1-1 to fit around your working hours (NHS staff only)

Need help with your literature search or King's e-resource navigation? We offer 1-1 appointments in-person or online; have a look through the lists of available times and dates in the box above. Just flick through the tabs to choose the most convenient location.

If you can't find a slot that fits your busy work schedule, NHS staff employed by King's College Hospital or Guys and St Thomas' Trust can use the link below to request one of our Senior Library Assistants to get in touch and arrange a 1-1 appointment at a bespoke time and date, between 0900-1700, Monday-Friday. There's also the option to arrange an in-person 1-1 appointment if that is more suitable, just let us know on the form. 

Workshop feedback

NHS001: Rapid access to evidence-based resources. Attendees said they now know: “So much - so very helpful” “Rapid and effective access to a broad range of clinical resources” “Different search options, knowing about different institutions log ins, how to get pdfs via Libkey Nomad”  They also said: “King's library was so informative” “The whole session was engaging”  “Nice that it was just an hour to show the basics first and have a go at using the Knowledge and Library Hub”

Feedback: NHS001 Rapid access to evidence-based resources

NHS002:  Healthcare databases for Advanced Searchers. Attendees said they now know: “How to create a comprehensive search of the databases available, also found out what databases we have access to” “The difference between subject headings and free text searching and also which databases are specific to which specialities” They liked: “the guided search” “the interactive engagement” “working through the database search step by step”

Feedback: NHS002 Healthcare databases for Advanced Searchers

NHS003: Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Quantitative Research. Attendees said they now know: “A more structured checklist approach to reviewing a paper, a greater understanding of some of the basic stats” “How to systematically approach a critical appraisal. Also CASP checklist is very good” “Much clearer on statistical tests – Confidence Interval, power figure and absolute versus relative risk reduction” They liked: “When the presenters were going through the CASP checklist together” “Good engagement with audience throughout, questions answered at the time, repeated explanations where required” They said: “I feel much more confident to go out and try it on my own!”

Feedback: NHS003 Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Quantitative Research

NHS004: Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Research. Attendees said they now know: “CASP is a great tool. I’ve learnt so much about reading and analysing a paper” They liked: “The break-out groups were good, […] 	it was a great interactive session” They said: “The whole session was engaging. The speaker seem well experienced and were clear and concise in presenting the session - this was reassuring. I enjoyed the break-out room the most”

Feedback: NHS004 Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Research

Health Literacy Awareness (KCH). Attendees said they now know about: “Certain techniques to use - ie Talk Back, Chunk Check - and about the Readability Tools” “Al tools to improve in the written health information” They said: “I definitely have a better understanding of the Health Literacy challenges many people accessing NHS services have, especially those living in Lambeth. And how these challenges might negatively impact them and in turn the NHS itself”. They were engaged: “Throughout - pitched at the right level - information and 'Breakouts' steadily paced and appropriately timed”

Feedback: Health Literacy Awareness (KCH)

Giving feedback on our courses

If you have recently attended one of the above NHS sessions you can give us feedback via our survey.

Qualitative Critical Appraisal Introductory Video

This pair of narrated slide set supports our Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Methods course. You can use it to refresh your understanding or if you are unable to attend a session.

The first video offers an introduction.  Use the skip button to access the second video that covers Qualitative Methods.

Quantitative Critical Appraisal Introductory Video

Narrated slide sets in support of our Critical Appraisal of Quantitative Methods course. You can use it to refresh your understanding or if you are unable to attend a session.

The first video offers an introduction.  Use the skip button to access the second video that covers Quantitative Methods.

Exam resources for Resident Doctors

Eligible trainees at King’s College Hospital can now submit applications to use their Study Leave allowance to cover the cost of an online examination aids including BMJ OnExamination and PasTest.

Please identify the course you are interested in and discuss your requirements with your educational supervisor. Once agreed submit your request via Intrepid as Exam preparation course relevant to level of training and in a comment box note that this is for an online exam revision course/test.

Applications must be submitted online prospectively, are restricted to one per examination module and are subject to a cap of £200 per trainee. Please see the Study Leave KCH Intranet page for further details and ensure you check eligibility before applying.